Thursday, February 21, 2013

What a Beagle Can Teach You About God

I had an spiritual epiphany last night while walking my extraordinarily rambunctious little beagle, Charlie. He always pulls and tugs, chews on the leash, tries desparately to drag me where he wants to go rather than just staying by my side. It's a daily frustration for me because I want to have a sweet time with my puppy doing what he enjoys, but a little more at my pace-and he has absolutely no interest in me whatsoever, he's just fixated on where he wants to go. In my prayer time last night I felt that sweet and gentle voice of the Lord say, "Beloved, you are just like that little dog. You want to badly to go your own way, at your pace, and you just can't allow yourself to take a walk with me. Can you just slow down and stay near to me?" Wow. I was so humbled. Now I can give my little Charlie some grace and have a whole new perspective on my own behavior, pace of life and attention focus. Isn't He so good? Love His teachable moments with me. 

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